Little Dragon Practical Syllabus
White Belt
Sitting Stance single front punches x 10
Guarding Stance Front kicks with front leg x 10
Press Ups x 5
Purple Belt
Guarding Stance double punches x 10
Walking ready stance rising kicks x 5
Press ups x 10 counting in Korean
Orange Belt
Walking ready stance rising kicks x 10
Guarding Stance double palm strikes x 10
Front snap kicks to a pad
Yellow Belt
Sitting stance double punches x 10
Guarding Stance front kick, double punch x10
Green Belt
Guarding Stance double front kicks x 10
4 Corner Block 1-2
Blue Belt
Guarding Stance jumping front kicks x 10
4 Corner Block 1-4
Red Belt
Guarding stance front kicks with back leg stepping forwards x 10
4 corner block 1-8
Brown Belt
Walking stance front punch forwards and backwards
Competition Drill (see separate sheet)
Black Belt
Walking stance low block forwards and backwards
Walking stance rising block forwards and backwards
Taekwon-do Questions
White belt - Orange Belt
• What is your suit called?
• A: Dobok
• What is the hall you train in called?
• A: Dojang
• What should you do as you enter and leave the training hall?
• A: Bow
• What do you call a lady teaching you in class?
• A: Ma’am
• What do you call a man teaching you in class?
• A: Sir
• How do you make a fist?
• A: Curl fingers in, squeeze tight, thumb on top
• Why must the thumb be on the outside?
• A: To stop you hurting the thumb
• What are the three rules of focus?
• A: Focus your eyes, focus your mind, focus you body
• What is your belt called?
• A: Ti
• What is punch in Korean?
• A: Jirugi
• What is kick in Korean?
• A: Chagi
Yellow belt and above
(plus any of the previous questions)
• What country does Taekwon-do come from?
• A: Korea
• What theme are we working on for this grading?
• A: • What is the name of your instructor?
• A: Mrs Goodwin, 4th Degree
• What is the ball of the foot called in Korean?
• A: Ap Kumchi
• What is sitting stance in Korean?
• A: Annun Sogi
• What is strike in Korean?
• A: Taerigi
Theme Questions
Emergency skills
• Name 4 emergency services?
• What colours help us remember the 4 services? (police - blue ; fire – red; ambulance - green; coast guard - yellow)
• What is your telephone number?
• What is your address?
• What should you do if your clothes catch fire?
• What number should you dial to get emergency services?
• What must never do when near water especially a swimming pool?
• What should you do if you find a coloured pill that might be a sweet?
• As above for a drink?
• Never make hoax or prank (joke) calls!
• What would you do if you found some matches or a lighter?
• What does a smoke alarm do?
• What things could be dangerous in the kitchen? Cooker, pan of hot water, Iron - all could burn. sharp Knives, etc etc
• What is the job of the Police? To keep us safe
• What is Co-ordination? (Your mind telling your body what to do – and your body doing it correctly.)
• Give an example of Co-ordination. (Catch a ball, walking on pads, kicking pads or a target, kicking a ball, flying pads, dodge ball)
• Why do we need to know left and right? (For our safety, for directions, to be able to find things)
What is Discipline?
• Being polite always say please and thank you
• Holding doors open for other people
• Not butting in when people or parents are talking
• Not using bad language or saying nasty things
• Calling Instructors Sir or Ma`am
• Brushing your teeth every morning and evening
• Bowing when entering and leaving the training hall
• No pushing or snatching when getting things
• Tidy away toys after playing with them
• Always wear safety equipment when playing on bikes, scooters, roller blades or skateboards
• Never going with strangers or people you don’t know
• No kicking or punching your friends, only practice at class
• Always do what your parents or whoever is looking after you asks you to do
- Being focussed:
- Listening to what you are being told
- Looking at who is speaking or teaching you
- Not fidgeting or playing with your belt or suit when training in class
- Not talking to other students when Sir or Ma`am are talking
- Being on level 10
• How can we keep our bodies fit? - Take part in sport – either in a team or as an individual - Exercise - Running - Cycling - Skipping - Swimming - Taekwon-do
• What does our body need to be able to exercise and keep fit? - A good diet - balanced - Drink water - Fruit - Vegetables
• How can we keep our minds fit? - Be focused - Reading books - Listening - Concentrating - Pay attention - Working hard at school Focus
• What are the 3 rules of Focus/Concentration? 1. FOCUS my eyes 2. FOCUS my mind 3. FOCUS my body
• What does focus my eyes mean? - Make sure you are looking at the person who is talking watching what they do
• What does focus the mind mean? - Make sure you are listening and concentrating on what you are being told
• What does focus the body mean? - Ensure you are paying attention, not messing around playing with you hair-fingers-toes etc - Sitting or standing smartly
• Where do we need to be focused? - At school and at Little Dragons - Crossing the road - Helping around the house if near hot water etc - Taking part in sport – either in a team or as an individual - Cycling - Skipping - Taekwon-Do
• Which is your Left..?
• Show me your Right..?
• Touch your left..?
• Use your Right..?
• Why do we need to know our Left and Right? - Directions - Crossing the road
• Why is it important to remember what people are wearing? - If lost
• If you are in a large group of people can you recognise Mum or Dad if you cannot see their faces?
• What is your full name?
• What is your address?
• What is your telephone number?
• Any questions from Taekwon-do theory
• What does Teamwork mean? - Working Together - Helping each other - All doing something - Not pushing or snatching - Listening to each other - Taking Turns
• What is the result of Teamwork? - Gets things done very quickly - Able to move big things
• Give an example of a Team Sport? - Rugby - Football - Netball Hockey - Rounders
• Give an example of a job that involves teamwork? - Police - Fire-fighters - Ambulance
• What is Balance?
- Balancing something on you: putting a bean bag on your head, a ball on your hand
- You balancing on something: following the lines in the training hall, standing on one leg, standing on a pad
- A balance in life: not eating chocolate for every meal, eat fruit as well as sweets, going to school as well as playing games
- Other types of balance: egg and spoon, being on a see-saw, riding a bike / scooter, bouncing on a pogo stick / hopper, having an equal number in a team game.